Our Donors & Partners

Blossoming Together: A Field of Inclusivity Nurtured by Community

Imagine a small semilla (seed), bursting forth into a vibrant sunflower, its face turned towards the sun. This is Healing by Growing Farms, a small-but-mighty Latinx woman-led farm thriving on the love and support of our incredible community. Like that sunflower, we wouldn't be standing tall without you. We're not just a farm, we're a field of inclusivity. We believe in growing not just food, but also community, connection, and a brighter future for all. Every volunteer hour, every financial contribution, every donated seed is a drop of sunshine that nourishes this vibrant ecosystem. Ready to join us? Here's how you can be part of the blossoming:

  • Volunteer: Lend your hands to the soil, share your skills, and experience the joy of growing together. Join our team.

  • Contribute: Every dollar helps us cultivate our mission, from seedlings to education programs. Support our vision.

  • Spread the word: Share our story, tell your friends, and be an advocate for a more inclusive food system.

  • Transfer farmland: Have land that could bloom again? We'd love to talk about partnering with you. Please reach out.

Let's join hands, nurture this field of hope, and watch it blossom into a brighter future for all. Together, we can create a community where everyone thrives. Please reach out for more information.

We gratefully acknowledge the generous contributions of these organizations:

Our Community Contributions

Healing By Growing Farms: Cultivating Community, 2021-2023

Healing By Growing Farms has blossomed into a vibrant hub of giving, enriching our community with a harvest of hope and connection. Here's a glimpse of our impact:

Nourishing Bodies and Minds

2,025 lbs of organically grown produce delivered to those in need, promoting healthy eating and food security.

1,550+ rainbow-colored eggs shared, bringing joy and protein to local families.

335+ seedlings, shrubs, and flowers distributed, beautifying homes and community spaces.

Empowering Through Engagement

2,188+ community volunteer hours contributed, fostering a spirit of service and collaboration.

5,000+ educational and coaching hours delivered, equipping individuals with knowledge and skills for growth.

Over 1,979 lives touched through outreach programs, creating positive ripples of change.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.
— Matthew 25:35

These numbers tell a story of dedication, innovation, and community spirit. Since December 2021, Healing By Growing Farms has blossomed, nurturing not just gardens but healthier, happier lives fostering a vibrant community spirit.

Overflowing with joy and a deep sense of responsibility, Healing By Growing Farms basks in the Yale University New Innovators Competition's recognition! We're honored to receive the "New Haven Civic Innovation 1st place award" for the best community-led social impact venture. This award validates our mission, fuels our passion, and reminds us of the immense impact we can make together in building a more inclusive and healing community. Onward we grow, roots planted deep in gratitude, branches reaching towards a brighter future!

Yale Startup 2022